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Articles on Web Technology

Mobile Optimized Websites

mobile optimized site imageIt is now extensively anticipated that in the coming year mobile internet devices will outperform desktop devices. As a result, a website that works on both computer and mobile phone devices likewise is becoming more and more popular. In addition, if you manage a small business, you can have such a website that will give you a good competitive advantage over your rivals.

To be of any actual use in any small business a “mobile-optimized website” needs to have the following things:

  • Be built on Google’s Webmaster Guidelines
  • Be optimized for mobile screen size.
  • Replace the old technology like “abode flash” with the modern technology like HTML or jQuery
  • Incorporate Geo-Location Data
  • Work in various browsers including mobile browser
  • Include Google Geo-location data
  • Work on Blackberry, Apple, Android, and Windows mobile phones and tablets.
  • Be easy to navigate on the devices of mobile
  • Comprise potent call to-action-to convert to convert your mobile visitors into customers
  • Include on the website the click-to-call, click-for-map, and direction buttons
  • Include buttons to follow social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
  • Finally, get SEO content.