The website owners frequently ask a question to know why their site is not found by Google. Yes! They know it very well that it is very significant to come into view of search engine result. But unfortunately, what they don’t know is the reasons why this is not happening with them.
The “Black Magic” of Google
The website owners are often puzzled by the “black magic” of Search engine optimizations. They even very often trapped by the dishonest web developers who lure them to get at the top of the Google’s Search Engine Ranking within 2-3 days. And, you end up in disappointment with lack of traffic to your site.
Good number of search engine optimizers is very professional and ethical people. They are inclined to keep everything very close to them without exposing to others.
The secret of Big Secret
There is no secret of Search Engine Optimization behind the big secret. It is matter of understanding the real fact that is happening at the back of the scene. It’s followed by tough work and minute consideration of various facets.
A brief look at Search Engine
Let’s understand the mechanism of search engine in simple language.
There are 3 pieces of software that collectively form a search engine:
- The spider software
- The index software
- The query software
The right understanding of this three will give your website the highest result in the search engine optimization.
Let’s know what these three kinds of software do.
The Spider Software
It crawls the web searching for new pages to add to the search engine index, the numerical ratio derived from series of observed facts.
This is nothing but a symbol. The real fact is that the spider neither does any ‘crawling’ nor ‘visit’ any of the web pages. It simply requests pages in the similar way as the Firefox, or Microsoft Explorer, any other browser you make use for requesting web pages to show on the screen.
The only difference lies in the fact that the spider is interested only in texts, links and URL, the origin of the text. It never displays anything; rather it aims to collect as much information as possible in the shortest possible time.
As the spider is blind and never collect images, colorful pictures. So, the logos and videos should be identified by ‘alt tag’ text. Or else, they will be ignored by the spider and the search engines will give no value to them.
The Index Software
It grabs hold the whole thing the spider hurls at it.
Yes, this is also a symbol or metaphor. What the index does is to turn the texts, links, also URLs into meaningful sense using a complex mathematical formula, called algorithm.
After the calculation, the scores are assigned to the pages that allow the search engines to evaluate the importance of the web pages.
Though the algorithm varies with the different search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc., they all use the spiders’ collection of information.
In brief, the spider after taking information about the web pages drives it to the index software for analyzing as well as storing.
The Query Software
When you type any item for searching it is the query box. Then the query software of the particular search engine presents the results of spider and index software which work imperceptibly for us, the searchers.
Like the other two, this is also a simile. The search is not really done by the query software. Rather, it makes an investigation of all that have been stored by the index software empowered by the material of the text, links and URL. The spider software acts behind all this collections.
So, this is the true story behind the work of Search Engine. It does all the work of assembling, scrutinizing and indexing of the web pages. But, the information will be available to you only when you search for them by entering any keywords or name of the items in query box hitting the “return key.”