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Read Our Trendy Blog Posts of the best web and app design, and development company to know the latest information. 7 things that 5-6 page website owners frequently ignore. These are 6 ways how advertising can be effective to boom your business, 5 keys to developing successful and friendly Mobile Apps, Facts for designing a timeless logo design, Bug tracking system for IT Projects, Guide To Write Effective Documentation for WordPress Theme, Strategies for choosing Word Press Theme for your new Website or Blog, The ways of writing a trendy blog, How to make your website rank top on Google, Ways to write Super Catchy Headlines and many more are our latest blogs published on our site. Each and every blog are helpful for updating yourself with the latest technologies. In addition, it introduces you to the activities and latest information of Techpenta, the best web and app design, Development Company in Kolkata.

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What is Freelancing?

From time to time, life is getting tough. At that crucial time, you might probably think of quitting your job and wish to work for yourself. In short, the freelancing

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Marketing Strategy in Brief

Marketing strategy is the unification of plans of an organization into one comprehensive plan. It is obtained by setting up of goals, studying the market, obtaining the percentage of responses

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How to be a Good Web Developer

While the Internet is growing rapidly in various aspects, the need for creative and talented web developers is increasing day by day. Different organizations, businesses, associations, clubs, and even individual

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Know the Target Audience

If your company is going to launch any product or service, you should first consider the target audience who will be the users of them. That means you should know

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What is Freelancing?

From time to time, life is getting tough. At that crucial time, you might probably think of quitting your job and wish to work for yourself. In short, the freelancing

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Marketing Strategy in Brief

Marketing strategy is the unification of plans of an organization into one comprehensive plan. It is obtained by setting up of goals, studying the market, obtaining the percentage of responses

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How to be a Good Web Developer

While the Internet is growing rapidly in various aspects, the need for creative and talented web developers is increasing day by day. Different organizations, businesses, associations, clubs, and even individual

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Know the Target Audience

If your company is going to launch any product or service, you should first consider the target audience who will be the users of them. That means you should know

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