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Articles on Web Technology

8 Essential Security Tips to Follow


If you need to maintain security for your big organization, you should follow the 8 security tips actively and check how many of these your organization is following.

Carry out regular assessments

Your organization should run security assessment regularly to detect new vulnerabilities. The information security situation should be changed on a daily basis.

Protect your data

Make sure only the authorize people are getting access to the sensitive data of your organization. Providing access to all the members of the team could be a security challenge. Your data is open to the third parties whenever it is conveyed, especially, over the public networks.

Educate everyone for security practice

Every one of your company right from the CEO to the receptionist, need to be well-informed on the security practices. That means picking a secured password, and keeping it away from the other general threats.

Every single employee of your organization could be potentially vulnerable even by simply bringing in the personal USB stick.

Passwords are unthinkably bigger threat

Weak passwords are the hazardous threat, faced by most of the organizations. If the members of the organizations are not educated on the importance of password and its security your system is always at risk. It is one  of the great security tips. In order to minimize the risk of password breach your organization could be willingly the brute forced by attackers within a very short time.

Don’t rely on firewall overly

A firewall will stop attackers from breaking through the front door. But you can’t stop it from getting your house through the top. So is true of firewall. Over rely on the firewall can’t offer you complete security. It may fail to stop everything.

Consider about viruses

Irrespective of small or big, the constant threat of Viruses constantly puts the organization in danger.  Normally, one in 10 email messages carries the virus, that puts the organization expose. Viruses can damage the wholeness of the system of the computer. It releases the secret files. It may charge your organization with huge amounts. The system failure can enhance the bouncing rate.

Back up valuable data

All the precious data needs to be kept in security. That means they should be backed up. If you think there is even the least chance that data is important, it needs to be backed up. Storage is now awfully cost effective because of many reasons.  But whatever it may, the data should be securely stored and recoverable.