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Articles on Web Technology

Reasons Why Your Site Dropped in Google Ranking


1234The optimization of your website only once is not sufficient to maintain a higher Google ranking. It requires constant and unending effort.
Why did the Search Engine ranking drop? Well, there might be a lot of reasons, but the most probable ground for the fall is your negligence of the site. Like all living things the Websites also need food in the form of healthy content and link building. The falling of the website’s search engine ranking suggests that you have not fed it with necessary things for its sustenance.
Change is the law of life. Your website also needs to change to match the constantly changing world. Your website will be left out in the absence of the necessary maintenance. So, the website requires maintenance and upholding to carry on.


Your site might fall in the search engine rankings if:
• Search engines change their strategy of indexing
• The websites links are dead or outbound
• Your backlink structure starts to dissipate
• Another website makes better use of your keywords

How can your site attain higher search engine rankings?
At the very beginning take a good look at your competitors’ sites. You might find the answer on their sites. Find out if they are making use of their keywords better than you. If it is found to be true, it is necessary that you must re-examine keywords, and change them if necessary.
One of the chief ways to maintain the higher rankings in search engines is the steady updating and addition of new content. If your website lacks freshness, it gets stale. It starts to drop.

Your site requires new content as well as updating of the old content. It motivates the search engines to keep it coming back to the previous position. The search engine spiders are ever hungry. So, without fresh food, the spider might not come back often.
The internal and the external links of your website need to be refreshed with a good feed. It is rather necessary that you must give timely attention to changing the internal link keywords. It will bring a chance for you to have dead outbound links that damage your page rank.
Look at the most up-to-date information regarding the Indexing of search engines as they use to change radically. If this is the case, you will need to examine them and make up your mind about what you could do with them.
What if you fail to keep up with information updating?
If you are busy with your work and you are unable to attend your website and maintain SEO for your site, it is time to hire an SEO company (www.techpenta.com ). Have someone else keep up the search engine optimization of your site.